• स्वाध्याय तपः •
4.3.2 Duration of bondage
It refers to the state i.e. present and when it gets activated and is extinguished i.e. separated from the soul after fruition.
4.3.3 Potency or strength of karmas
It refers to the intensity of experience resulting from the karmas which leads to the intensity if bondage.
4.3.4 Space-points of karmas
It is concerned with the extensiveness and the aggregation of karmic particles associated with the soul.
The three fold activities determine nature and space point bondages while the passions determine duration and potency of bondage. This diversity of bondage is due to the degree and intensity of passions. If the soul does not take the modes of activities and passions, then the karmic particles are destroyed. Hence the soul is not the cause of bondage.
The four types of bondages as discussed above are intimately associated and affect the soul accordingly.
So far we have seen that the soul gets involved in the cycle of life and is bound due to influx of karmas. This bondage is beginning-less but it has an end. The soul with its inherent capacity is pure and perfect and can achieve the ultimate sate of eliminating all types of bondages to it. This is possible by means of a process, which gradually stops new bondages and then eliminates the effects of exiting bondages (kṣayopaśama). From now onwards the self-realization starts.
We therefore have to take steps in this direction namely Samvara or stoppage of influx and bondage (new) and Nirjarā or dissociation of existing karmas with the soul. These steps follow that order i.e. Samvara first and Nirjara then.
5.0. Samvara - (Stoppage of influx of new karmas in soul)
Samvara or stoppage of the influx of new karmas is the first significant step in the process of liberation of the soul from karma. Samvara is the opposite of Asrava, as it prevents the
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