4.2.2 Non abstinence It is the absence of self-control. A person who has no control over his senses indulges in sense pleasures and he looses direction for self-realization. There are five vows in Jainism namely non violence, non-stealing, speaking the truth, non possession and celibacy. Nonabstinence primarily means non-adherence to these five vows13.
4.2.3 Negligence Negligence here means indifference to higher values of life. Indulgence in sensual pleasures leads one to negligence and it again leads to activities like listening to reprehensible talks (vikātha) or activities leading to sensual pleasures again. Reprehensible talks can be about affairs of an individual, state, leader, organization, women etc.
4.2.4 Passions Passions create states of the soul, which are intensely affective in nature. Feelings and emotions like anger, greed, deceit and pride are responsible for the influx and bondage of karmas.
4.2.5 Activities. Activities of mind, body and speech cause vibrations in the environment and affect the state of the soul. 14
4.3 Four kinds of bondage Bondage is of four types according to the nature and species of karmas, duration, fruition and quantity of space points.15
4.3.1 Prakrti bandha / Nature of the bondage It refers to the nature of karma that has been bonded with the soul.
13 Hirsānristeyābramhparigrahebhyo Viratirvaratam. Ibid, VII/1 14 Tattvārtha-sútra, VI/1 15 Prakritisthityanubhavapradeśāstdvidhayah Ibid, VIII/3
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