11 Śarīrī
With a body.
12 Dehi
With spatial extensions.
13 Mänava
Built of and by knowledge.
14 Jantū
Gets born in the four destinies i.e. hellish, human, sub-human, heaven.
15 Māni
With the passion - pride.
16 Māyāvi
With the passion - deceit.
17 Yogi
Owner of the activities of mind, body and speech.
18 Sankuta
Contracts in a small body
Expands to a very large body.
Capable of knowing all territories in the cosmos.
20 Kșetrajña 21 Antarātmā
Stays inside the eight matter karmas.
The above synonyms in fact indicate the attributes of jīva as per Jain texts.
4. Etymological development of the words sīva and ātmā and their special meaning.? Even though there are numerous synonyms of the words soul and living beings in Jain texts, yet the most commonly words are jīva and ātmā. Therefore we shall attempt o understand the meanings and significance of these two words specifically. Jiva in Jain literature has been described as the one who lives, lived in the past and shall live in the future namely:
Pānehin cadūhin jīvādi sīvissadi jo hi jīvido puvvari8 Daśasu prānesu yathopāttaprānaparyāyena trişu kālesu jīvanānubhavanāt jīvati,
ajīvait, jīvisyati eti vā jīvah.9
Etymological development and meaning of the word Atmā is said to be an entity that always manifests (transform, changes, originates and destroys) as knowledge. Ātmā in Sanskrit
? (a.) Dhavala 1/1/1/2
(6.) Gomattasāra Jivakāmda, 365,366 * Pravacanasara 147
Tattvārtha-vārtika 1.4
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