houses are many but home is one specific to an individual. Similarly living beings are infinite but soul is just self or l out of all living beings. I am soul / self for me but a living being for you all. Mathematically we can express this as follows:
Jīva + feeling of 'l' = ātmā atma- feeling of l' = jīva
In the terms of Logic texts, we can differentiate ātmā and jīva as pervaded (vyāpya) and pervader or one who pervades (vyāpaka). Soul is pervaded and jīva is pervader. Thus we can call ātmā as jīva but not vive versa. Like mango and tree are related as pervader and pervaded, so are jīva and ātmā. Hence a tree is called a mango tree but any tree cannot be called mango. Thus we see it is essential to understand the difference between souls / self and living beings.
3. Synonyms of atma and jīva in Jain texts and their meanings Jain texts, especially Dhavalā (Ācārya Virasena 10th century AD) and Gommattasāra (Ācārya Nemicandra Siddhāntacakravarti 11th century AD), mention a number of synonyms or equivalents of jīva along with their meanings clearly. Briefly some synonyms of living being (empirical soul) are given below:
1 Jña
Because it cognizes.
2 jñāni
Because knowledge is one of its attributes.
3 Jñātā
Knower or one who knows.
4 Kartā
Doer of its own nature; from practical viewpoint doer of its matter acts.
5 Bhoktā
Enjoyer of its own nature; from practical viewpoint enjoyer of its matter
6 Vaktā
Speaker or who speaks.
7 Saktā
Infatuated with the body, family, friends and worldly possessions.
8 Prāņi
Has forces/capabilities of breathe, sense organs, lifespan and general energy.
9 Vişnu
Co-exists in the entire body it owns.
10 Svayambhū Originates and develops by itself.
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