• स्वाध्याय तपः •
3.1 Atomic theory
Mahaprajna has put the atomic theory in historical perspective. Indian philosopher Kannad and western philosopher Democritus are widely considered as the pioneers of particle theory. Democritus represented the era of 460-374 B.C. The evolution of Kannad's 'Vaiseṣika-sūtra' is considered to be around 1st century A.D. whereas, the period of Lord Mahāvīra is 599- 527 B.C. His atomic theory precedes those of Kannad's and Democritus, but the historians of the philosophy have ignored this fact. The reason is neither the bias nor the discrimination; it is perhaps the unavailability of Jaina literature and lack of its serious study. Both Jain and Vaiśeśika philosophies agree to the fact that paramāņu is indivisible. But they disagree about the adjectival attributes of the paramanu. In Jaina philosophy, all paramāņu are identical as far as their physical form is concerned. But their classification is possible on the basis of quantum of various attributes (touch, taste, hue and odor) they possess as amalgam of paramāņus. Since the extent of these attributes may vary from one unit to infinite units, Jainas believe that there are infinite such permutations and combinations possible. It must be observed that the atomic theory is just a part of whole theory of pudgala.
3.2 Sparsa (touches) of Pudgala
Classification of Pudgala is:
1. Paramāņu or Dion
As stated earlier, it is the smallest part of a pudgala which is further indivisible. These dions can possess two touches (sparsa) out of the basic; positive- negative (snigdha-ruksa) hotcold (uṣṇa-sita). Author has carefully christened them as 'dion' by their virtue of having two touches. Though these dions could be of infinite varieties depending upon the qualities they possess, however, they can be subcategorized in four broad types depending on which two touches they inherit out of the four available:
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• Type 1 combination of positive and hot
⚫ Type 2 combination of positive and cold
• Type 3 combination of negative and hot
• Type 4 combination of negative and cold
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