be cognized by our sense organs directly. Word, Bondage, subtle, gross, darkness, shadow, light, heat etc. are the modes of matter. 13
Now we shall discuss the four supportive substances i.e. by themselves these substances do not act but they support the activities of both active substance types namely jīva and pudgala.
C. Dharma or Principle of motion & Adharma or principle of rest
Here the terms dharma and adharma do not mean the contemporary meaning of religion and non religion. Jain philosophy says that like living beings and non-living beings, there are two more entities known as dharma or principle of motion and adharma or principle of rest. Both are real and existent and hence have all the attributes associated with dravya. Because they are non-concrete, they cannot be cognized directly by sense organs. Even the scientists have proved the existence of these entities.
STUDY NOTES version 5.0
Dharma14 in Jainism has been defined as a substance which itself does not move but helps the moving living beings and matters in their movement, just as water of river assists to movement of moving fishes. The fish swims by its own force but the water is essential for swimming. Principle of motion supports the motion of those objects (living beings and matter), which are moving e.g. water supports the movement of fish or the rail-lines support the movement of trains. It is one in number and omnipresent throughout the cosmos.
Adharma (ibid ref 14) is the principal of rest and pervades the whole universe. This is the auxiliary cause of rest to the soul and matter. Adharma has been defined as a cause of helping the matter and souls which are at rest, in taking rest just as earth, which is at rest, helps those who want to stay and take rest. It is a substance, which supports the resting entities (living beings and matter), e.g. the shade of a tree supports a tired traveler's intention to rest. It is like force of friction in modern science. It is also one in number and omnipresent throughout the cosmos.
13 Saddo bandho suhamo thūlo samthāṇabhedatamachāyā; ujjodadavasahiya, puggala davvassa pajjāyā. Dravya Samgraha, verse 16
14 Gati-sthityupagrahau dharmadharmayorupakāraḥ,/ Tattvärtha-sūtra, V.17
The medium of motion and rest never lose their special characteristics of facilitating movement and rest etc., and their common characteristics of existence etc., they are eternal,
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