Matter has eight types (4 pairs of opposite attribute of which one can be present at a time) of touches (2 out of 4 present at a time in any paramāņu), 5 colors, 5 tastes and two smell types. Thus a total of 200 different types of aggregate (i.e. of different characteristics) can be formed. Science has to date found 102 types of basic elements.
Matter types which are of use to jīva are called clusters/ varganās and are of eight types namely kārmaṇa, luminous (Tejas), gross body (Audārika), protean body (Vaikriyaka), conveyance body (Ähāraka), mind material (Mano varganā), speech material (Bhāṣāvargaṇā) and breathe material (śvāsocchvāsa vargaṇās). Gross bodies, protean bodies and conveyance bodies are three types of matter endowed with associability. All clusters are respectively used by va to have kärmaṇa, tejas (luminous), physical and protean/celestial (for hellish and heaven beings) bodies, āhāraka or knowledge body for ascetics of higher order and remaining clusters for mind, speech, body and breathe. Paramāņu is the smallest and indivisible part of aggregate. It cannot be destroyed even by the sharpest and most lethal arm / fire or water. It is without space points, besides its own one space point. It is slightly concrete and slightly non concrete.
Paramāņu, which is the basic part of matter has special characteristics and is defined as the smallest indivisible part of matter. It is like a dimensionless and mass-less geometric point that has existence but almost no size and weight. It travels in a straight line if unobstructed otherwise it can travel in any direction including in waveform but under the influence of other entities. (Ref scientists Max Plank, Neil Bohr etc and others who proved this to be so).
Paramāņu in normal state occupies one space point but in special conditions, one space point can have almost infinite paramāņus in it. Scientists have proved that specific gravity of matter in nebulae is approx 10-24 while some stars are said to be composed of matter which is 2000 times denser than gold. Paramāņu can have one each color, smell, taste and two touch (hot or cold and hard or soft) qualities. As per Einstein's theory of relativity, e = mc2, matter can be converted into energy. So a paramāņu can have almost infinite speed as paramāņu which is almost mass-less and can travel 14 rajjus (i.e. the whole universe) or 1.4* (10)21 miles per samaya at its fastest speed while its normal speed is one space point (pradeśa) in one samaya (smallest unit of measurement of time).
Bonding of paramāņus is only due to the dry (arid) and cohesive (smooth) attributes present in different proportions. This is similar to positive and negative charges of protons and electrons. The remaining five substance types are non-concrete and cannot
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