gth ; JM. ; Āvaśyaka-tīkā ; Haribhadra ; p.817 (short story) ;
Praising of heretics. 22. 8th ; JM. ; Daśavaikālika-țīkā ; Haribhadra ; p.435 (short
story) ; Collecting wealth from merchants. 23. 8th;JM.;Upadeśapada;Haribhadra ; gā.17,42,44,50,128,139,196
; Various stories suggested in brief manner. 24. gth; JM. ; Kuvalayamālā ; Uddyotana ; Passing reference of the
Arthaśāstra. 25. 9th ; Skt. ; Ācārānga-tīkā ; Sīlānka ; p.100 (single line) ; Wife
of Cāņakya ; Destruction of the Nanda-dynasty. 26. 9th ; Skt. ; Sūtrakrtānga-tīkā ; Śīlāñka ; p.169 (single line) ;
Deceitful means to gather wealth. 27. 9th ; JM. ; Dharmopadeśamālā ; Jayasimha ; Two short stories,
p.129,138 ; (i) Gathering wealth from merchants (ii) Death of
Cāņakya and Subandhu. 28. 11th ; JM. ; Kathā-kośa-prakaraṇa ; Jineśvara ; pp.176-177 ;
Duties of a king without naming Kautilya's Arthaśāstra. 29. 11th ; Skt. ; Sthānānga-tīkā ; Abhayadeva ; p.281 (single line)
; Examination of various monks. 30. 11th ; Skt. ; Samavāyānga-țīkā ; Abhayadeva ; p.55 (single
line) ; Kautilya-śāstra causing harm to the beings. 31. 11th ; Skt. ; Jñātādharmakathā-tīkā ; Abhayadeva ; p.12 (single
line) ; The Arthaśāstra - a book for creating wealth. 32. 11th ; JM. ; Uttarādhyayana-tīkā (Sukhabodhā) ; Nemicandra ;
pp.57-69 ; Selected stories of Cāņakya. 33. 11th ; Skt. ; Ogha-niryukti-tīkā ; Droņācārya ; p.152 ; Short
reference of strict orders of Cānakya.