the parliament, necessarily contains suitable quotations from the Kautilya's Arthaśāstra.
It is really a paradox that very little information about the personality of Cāṇakya is found in the Hindu and Buddhist sources. Eaxctly opposite is the position in the Jaina literature. It is full of stories, narratives, examples and illustrations of Caṇakya. [2] The rationale behind the present exploration :
When we fathomed the whole Jaina literature and explored each and every reference to Caṇakya, one fact become crystal-clear to us that the Jainas tell many new things about Cāṇakya which are not told in the Brahmanic and Buddhist literature. Generally a high regard, praise and honour about Caṇakya is seen in the Jaina literature.
In the meantime, a sentence written in the introduction of the Kautilīya Arthaśāstra by B.R.Hivargaonkar startled me. He says, "It is noted in the Brahmanic, Buddhist and Jaina literature that Kautilya was the amatya of the king Candragupta. A sense of disregard and reproach towards Cāṇakya is seen in the Buddhist and Jaina literature, while the Brahmanic sources praise Caṇakya."
Further on, Mr. Hivargaonkar defends his view as follows : "He himself being a brahmin, possesses very staunch and strict views against pāṣaṇḍins. Naturally the Bauddhas and Jainas despise Caṇakya and Brahmanic texts praise Caṇakya." (Introduction p.22)
We cann't say anything about the Buddhist texts at this juncture but it is really surprising and amuzing that a reputed scholar like Hivargaonkar had passed a remark about the Jainas without going into the scruting of the Jaina references. In the same introduc