________________ C) Universal Forgiveness: After performing Samvatsari Pratikraman or Daslakshna, Jains request for forgiveness from all living beings in person or via mail. One example of such request in writing is shown below: KSHMA VEERASYA BHUSHANAM On This Auspicious Occasion of KSHAMAVANI We Beg Forgiveness For Our Intentional and Unintentional wrongdoings. Michchhami Dukkaram roper Use of Handkerchief or Muhpati 1. Some Jains use a handkerchief around their mouth during samayik in order not to kill invisible bacteria and tiny insects in the air by inhaling them. 2. Others use a handkerchief during samayik to remind themselves of right knowledge, right perception, right conduct and self control by touching all four corners. After folding several times one touches the hand with handkerchief from fingers to e shoulder indicating acceptance of good qualities such as truth, helping others, less attachment, considerateness, politeness, etc. Then the folded handkerchief is used to touch the other hand from shoulder to fingers indicating rejection of bad qualities such as anger, greed, jealousy, stealing, violence, ego, etc. 24