There he shall dip and take up the same quantity of meat 1;
There he shall hold out cheese.
The same shall it be for river water;
But for river water,
The Frabaretar3 may bring, without guilt, for a half, Boiling milk of mares, cows, sheep, or goats.
68. The Frabaretar shall bring the libations, The Havanan shall prepare the Haoma,
In such a way that the libations, prepared to the best of their knowledge, come to me by daylight, not in the darkness".
For there is no piety without knowledge';
For all libations poured out and presented, that are poured in the darkness of night, and without singing the Ahuna Vairya, flow to the benefit of the Daêvas ';
And if one pour them without looking at the fire and the Baresman,
They accrue for the victory of the Anaryan countries".
Yavåkem geus. Khsnaothra.
Ashasara manangha.
Ashasara vakangha ashasara syaothana.
• Yênhê mê ashad haka vahistem-yêsnê-paitt.
a Ashemka dapaska hû-frâsmo-dâitim.
'As prescribed for a running stream.
* See § 68.
Cf. § 48, and Vd. VII, 79.
• Offering up the sacrifice without a proper knowledge of its
rules and practice is no piety. 5 Cf. Vd. VII, 79.
• The hostile countries.
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