58. . . . . . . . . . . . . Leather is accepted from the skin of an animal,
From under the raèsatna ;
If supple, not if not supple; if from a fat animal, not from a lean one.
59. Woman's milk is not accepted, Nor bitch's milk ; A she-wolf's milk is accepted; ..... 60. Of priests of one partnership’ if one bind the bundle of Baresman and bring the offering of milk,
And the others, within a Hathra distance, recite the words and perform the ritual acts,
And all make the responses 2, all are accepted.
If they make not the responses, the one who has bound the Baresman and brought the offering of milk is accepted.
61. . . . . . . . . . . . .
draos ahdiryêhê khsnaothra yasnåika od frasastayaèka 3 dakânak kartak yo paoiryô mazdau damın apas áfrînagan pun rồiså nok nåpar A. V. 3, fravarâne. må gås: havanee u såvangheề rathwãm. khshnoman Ahurahé Mazdau raêvatô kartak i Ahurem Mazdım ashavanem ashahê ratûm yaz. .. hudhaunghem mazistem yazatem yim sevistem frådad-gaệthem od ad zayênê (Y. XVI, 10). Apas afrîna gân pun rồisa: rathwố berezad ashem vôha 3, fravaranê. Pun Håtokht hadhaokhdhái. pun Vispôrat håvaneê. khsndman rathwð berezad, kartaki dataka aêtê Mazdayasna. Apas afrinagân ai pun rồiså pun mån-i sapirån [u] mâni. åtå sån: Ashem vôhů 3, fravaranê, mà gâs yakhsûnêt khen man dahmayau vanghuyau afritais ughrai dâmôis
Cf. page 305, note 3. . Cf. § 20; in particular the atha ratus in the recitation of the Ahuna Vairya.
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