And for the half of the year, whether earlier or later, when he prevents (their being sung), he becomes a Peshôtanu.
II. The limits of the several Gâhs1.
II a. The Ushahin Gâh.
46. At what hour does the celebration of the Ushahina Gâthas begin?
It continues from midnight to sunrise; thus in winter time.
In summer time, if one sing the Ahunavaiti Gâtha before sunrise,
As well as the Yasna Haptanghâiti and the Ustavaiti Hâ,
He may, without guilt, sing the rest of the Gâthas till the middle of the forenoon.
puthra Ahurahê Mazdau khsnaothra)-A. V.-frastuyê— staomi ashem-staomi-A. V.-staomi ashem-vasaska te Ahura Mazda.
Amesha Spenta-imad Baresma hadhazaothrem min
1 On the limits of the five Gâhs of the day and night, and the ceremonies of the same (Dînkart, 1. 1. § 9). The five Gâhs (asnya), it will be remembered, are
1. Ushahina (Ushahin), from midnight to the extinction of the stars, or Dawn.
2. Hâvani (Hâvan), the morning Gâh, beginning at dawn. 3. Rapithwina (Rapith win), the midday Gâh.
4. Uzayêirina (Uzîrin), the afternoon Gâh, from Rapithwin to appearance of the stars.
5. Aiwisrûthrima (Aipisrûsrim), from the appearance of the stars to midnight.
In winter there are only four Gâhs, Hâvani and Rapithwina being united.
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