prania oue Wors
pratitantram, at every sacrifice, 29. bhedana, breaking, 53. pratinidha, to substitute, 135. pratinidhi, substitute, 134, 138. madhyama, middle tone, 11°, 13. pratipad, the first day of the lunarmanotå, the Manotâ hymn (tvam phase, 65o.
by agne prathamo manota, &c.), pratimantrana, conjuring, 40.
43. pratimantram, each (act) with one mantra, verse, 30, 31, 34, 37, 44", Mantra, 150.
45 (mantrânta), (46), 47, 107 pratishidh, to bar, 82.
(mantram samnamati), 133, 149, pratishedha, prohibition, 138, 139.
150, 151°. See ekamantra, bapratika, first words of a verse, 47o. humantra. pratyämnâna, corollary, 139. mantravat, hallowed by a Mantra, pratyäsruta, reply, 10, 95.
58. pratyahuti, for each Ahuti, 89. mandra, soft tone, 119, 12. pradakshinam, turning towards the mâtrâpakâra, wanting of the mearight, from left to right, 59, 61, sure, 137
mâdhyandina, the midday-oblation pradana, offering, 87.
of Soma, 13. pradhâna, principal act, 70, 74, 80€, masha, phaseolus radiatus, 135o.
83, 113 (the name of the chief masisraddha, p. 344. deities).
mudga, kidney bean, phaseolus prabhutva, fitness, 153.
mungo, 135 pramâna, rule, 30.
moksha, eternal happiness, 1489. prayaga, a certain auxiliary Homa,75€ prayana, journey, 41.
yag, to sacrifice, 63, 64, 87o. pravara, the words used in choosing yagana=yagña, 1o. priests, 10, 35.
yagurveda, the Yagur-veda, 4, 5, 6, prasamsa, praise, 33.
89, 9, 18. prasamkhyana, the being enume- yagta, sacrifice, 1, 30, 54 rated, 81.
yagflånga, sacrificial utensil, 57, 58. prasavyam, turning towards the left, yaganga, special part of a sacrifice, from right to left, 60, 61.
148. prâgapavarga, performed towards the yag fångakâma, object of part of a east, 59.
sacrifice, 148. pråkindvitin, with the Brahmanic yaghopavitin, with the Brahmanic
cord over the right and under cord over the left and under the left arm, 60.
the right arm, 59. pråtabsavana, the morning-oblation yathadevatam, according to the of Soma, 12.
deities, 103. pratarhoma, p. 344.
yathâbhâgam, for each portion, 99, prayaskitta, penance, 1360
yathârtham, according to the sense, bahudevatå, offering for many deities, 132. 125.
yava, barley, 136o. bahumantra, accompanied by many yâga=yagita, 10. hymns, 44.
yagamană, Mantra recited by the Bridhu=Bribu, jo
sacrificer himself, 49. Bribu, zo
yagyá, Mantra used with the oblabrahman, the Brahma-priest, 19.
tion, 43°, 50, 95,(113), 149, 155. brâbmana, m., the Brahmana (caste), ypa, the sacrificial post for fasten2, 21, 78.
ing the animal, 130 brahmana, n., the Brahmanas sacred yûpadravya, material for the sacribooks), 30, 31, 32, 33.
ficial post, 150. bhid, bhidyate, there is difference, rathakara, chariot-maker, or name 154
of a clan, 29 [30]
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