ishti=yagha, sacrifice, 1, 112, 113
(kâmyå ishtayab), 114, 139, 133
îsånabali, p. 344....
ishatsadrisa, a little like, 135.
asannipatin, not producing an imme-
diate effect, 42. asamavetârtha, words (of a Mantra)
not connected with the sacrifice,
133 asomayagin, one who does not sacri-
fice with Soma, 76, 78. astamitoditâ=râkâ, 65o. astu=ayuta, 23° ahargana, a series of daily and nightly
sacrifices, 141. ahîna, a series of sacrifices lasting
from two nights to eleven nights
(opp. sattra), 1410 ågnavaishnava, for Agni and Vishnu,
1249, 1250 âgneya, intended for Agni, 74, 76,
133. âgrayana, the Agrayaneshti, sacrifice
with the new grain, 148°; P.
344. âgrahayani, p. 344. âghåra, sprinkling of clarified butter,
46. âk, to bend (one's knee), 92. ágya, melted butter, 23, 129o. âgyabhagau, the Âgya-portions, 12. âtmâbhimarsana, rubbing oneself,
53. adipradishta, indicated by the first
words (Mantras), 47. adhana, the laying of the fires, 28. amikshâ, a preparation of milk, 121,
122. ârambha, the undertaking (of a
sacrifice), 158. artvigya, the priestly office, 21. âvap, to throw (the grains) in, 109. âyritti, repetition, 43. âvesht, to tie (ropes), 61. asruta, address, 10, 95. å svayugi, p. 344. asina, sitting, 92. åhavaniya, the Åhavanîya fire (the
grandson), 229, 37, 94, 144o. âhuti, the offering at a Darvinoma,
94, 96, 89. idamsabda, the word idam (to be
used for assigning the havis to
each deity), 104. indrasomîya, intended for Indra and
Soma, 1270 ishtaka, brick (for building the altar,
&c.), 98, 1519
ukthya, a Soma sacrifice, 144o; p.
344. ukkaib, with a loud voice, 8, 139, utkara, heap of rubbish, 54o. uttama, highest tone, 11° uttara, successive, 145. uttarata-upalára, on the northern
side of which the performances
take place, 54. uttaravedi, the Soma altar, 144, 145o. Uttara-amavasya=Kuha, 65o. Uttara-paurnamasi=Raka, 65o. utpavana, cleansing, 108. utpu, to cleanse (the grains), 108. udagapavarga, performed towards the
north, 59. udagavritta, turning to the north
94. udgåtri, the Udgâtri priest, 17. upakâra, priestly performance, 54. upadha, to put on the fire, 106. upadhâna, putting on the fire, 106. upabandha, belonging to, 155. upayâma, the Upayama, the words
upayamagribito-si, 97. upavas, to abstain, 65. upavâsa, abstaining from meat, &c.,
660. upastarana, spreading of fat, 95. upaspris (apab), to touch water, 53. upâmsu, by murmuring, 9, 11°, 113. upâmsuyaga, the muttered offering
of butter (at the full-moon
sacrifice), 74. tha, substitution of one word for
another in a Mantra, 35, 107°,
131, 132. rigveda, the Rig-veda, 4, 5, 8, 9o,
adhan yourse Mandicated by the
ekakapala, a purodasa cake baked in
one cup, 130. ekadevata, offering for one deity,123. ekaprakarana, one (typical) perform
ance, 70. ekamantra, accompanied by one
Mantra, 38.
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