This whole matter is summed up in Kapardin's commentary: Amâvâsyayam asomayagina aindragna-samnàyyayor vikalpah. Paurnamâsyam tv asomayagino brâhmanasyâgnishomiyayâgabhavah. Tadrahitâpi paurnamasî purushårtham sådhayati. Tatra dvayor eva hi yågayoh paurnamasisabdavâkyatvam asti, pratyekam namayogât. Tasmåd agnishomîyayagarahitâv evetarau purushårtham sadhayatah.
SOTRA LXXX. The Pitri-yagña, the sacrifice to the fathers, is not Anga (auxiliary) because its own time is prescribed.
Commentary. The text should be pitriyagñah svakalavidhânâd anangah syåt. This sacrifice for the Manes, called also the Pindapitriyagña, falls under the new-moon sacrifice, but is to be considered as a pradhana, a primary sacrifice, not as an anga, a member of the Darsa.
SOTRA LXXXI. Also, because it is enumerated like the Darsapärnamäsa sacrifice.
Commentary. This refers to such passages from the Brahmanas as: There are four great sacrifices, the Agnihotram, the Darsaparnamåsau, the Katurmâsyâni, and the Pindapitriyagñah.
Sotra LXXXII. Also, because, when the Amâvâsya sacrifice is barred, the Pitriyagña is seen to take place.
Sotra LXXXIII. A principal act (pradhâna) is accompanied by auxiliary acts (anga).
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