SOTRA V. The Darsa-purna mâsau, the new and fullmoon sacrifices, are prescribed by the Rig-veda and the Yagur-veda.
SOTRA VI. The Agnihotra is prescribed by the Yagur-veda.
SOTRA VII. The Agnishtoma is prescribed by all.
Commentary. By saying all, the Atharva-veda is supposed to be included, at least according to one commentator.
The Agnish toma requires sixteen priests, the Pasu sacrifices six, the Katurmåsyas five, the Darsa-parnamasas four.
SOTRA VIII. With the Rig-veda and Sama-veda the performance takes place with a loud voice (ukkaih).
Commentary. Even lines of the Yagur-veda, if they are contained in the Rig-veda and Sama-veda, would have to be pronounced with a loud voice. Certain mantras, however, are excepted, viz. the gapa, abhimantrana, and anumantranamantras.
SOTRA IX. With the Yagur-veda the performance takes place by murmuring (upâmsu).
Commentary. This murmuring, upåmsu, is described as a mere opus operatum, the words being repeated without voice and without thought. One may see the movements of the vocal organs in murmuring, but one should not hear them at a distance. If verses from the Rig-veda or Såma-veda
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