4. Spring, summer, autumn: these are the (fit) seasons (for the Upanayana), corresponding to the order of the castes.
5. (The boy's father) serves food to Brâhmanas and causes them to pronounce auspicious wishes, and serves food to the boy. (The teacher?) pours together, with the first Yagus (of the next Anuvâka, warm and cold) water, pouring the warm water into the cold, and moistens (the boy's) head with the next (verse; M. II, 1, 2).
6. Having put three Darbha blades into his hair (towards each of the four directions) (the teacher [?]) shaves his hair with the next four (verses; M. II, 1, 3-6) with the different Mantras, towards the different (four) directions.
7. With the following (verse, M. II, 1, 7, somebody) addresses him while he is shaving.
8. Towards the south, his mother or a Brahmakârin strews barley-grains on a lump of bull's dung ; with this (dung) she catches up the hair (that is cut off), and puts it down with the next (verse; M. II, 1, 8) at the root of an Udumbara tree or in a tuft of Darbha grass.
9. After (the boy) has bathed, and (the ceremonies) from the putting (of wood) on (the fire) down to the Agyabhaga oblations (have been performed), he causes him to put a piece of Palâsa wood on the
10, 6, 7. The difference which Haradatta makes between the teacher who begins to shave him (pravapati) and the barber who goes on with shaving (vapantam) seems too artificial.
7. Haradatta: The teacher addresses the barber, &c.-Sudarsanârya: The mother of the boy or a Brahmakârin [comp. Sûtra 8] addresses the teacher who shaves him.
9. Comp. above, II, 4, 3.
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