one after the other, spreading under and sprinkling over them (Âgya), and sacrifices them, one after the other, in one continual line which is directed towards south-east, with the Mantras), “The mortars, the pressing-stones have made their noise, preparing the annual offering. Ekâshtaka ! May we be rich in offspring, in valiant sons, the lords of wealth. Svadha ! Adoration !
'God Agni! The cake which is prepared with ghee and accompanied by the word) svadhâ, that the Fathers may satiate themselves — (this our) offering carry duly, Agni. I, the son, sacrifice an oblation to my fathers. Svadha ! Adoration !
Here is a cake, Agni, prepared from four cups (of rice), with ghee, rich in milk, in wealth, in prosperity. May the Fathers gladly accept it all together; may it be well sacrificed and well offered by me. Svadhâ! Adoration !
5. Then he makes oblations of (other) food with (the verses), “The one who shone forth as the first,'
The Ekâshtaka, devoting herself to austerities,' "She who shone forth as the first' (Taitt. Samhita IV, 3, 11, 1. 3. 5).
6. Cutting off (the Avadanas destined for the Svishtakrit oblation) together from the cake and from the other) food and mixing them with clarified butter, he makes an oblation thereof with (the for. mula), 'To Agni Kavyavåhana Svishtakrit svadhâ ! Adoration !'
7. That (cake) with ghee and honey and with the food (mentioned in Satras 5. 6) he touches in the way prescribed for the Sraddha ceremony and puts
7. Comp. above, chap. 11, 4; 12, a seq.
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