10. After (the student) has said, 'Recite, sir!'11. The teacher, having pronounced the word Oм, then causes the other one to say, 'Recite the Sâvitri, sir!'
12. He then recites the Sâvitrt to him, the verse 'That glorious (splendour) of Savitar' (Rig-veda III, 62, 10); (firstly) pâda by pâda, (then) hemistich by hemistich, (and finally) without a stop.
1. 'Waters are ye by name; happy ones are ye by name; sappy ones are ye by name; undecaying ones are ye by name; fearless ones are ye by name; immortal ones are ye by name. Of you, being such, may I partake; receive me into your favour'-with these words (the teacher) makes the student sip water three times,
2. And hands over to him the staff with the five
the study of the Aranyaka the position is slightly different (VI, 3, 2). According to Nârâyana this Sûtra would contain a nishedha of the Sutras 828 and 829 of the Rig-veda-Prâtisâkhya (p. ccxcii of Professor Max Müller's edition).
10, 11. The Indian tradition divides these Sutras after â kâryah, so that the words adhîhi bho would have to be pronounced by the teacher. Thus also Nârâyana explains, â kârya adhîhi bho 3 iti mânavakam uktvâ, &c. In my opinion it is the student or the students who say adhihi bho. Thus the Prâtisâkhya (Sutra 831, ed. Max Müller) says, 'They invite him with the words adhîhi bho 3, all the students the teacher, having embraced his feet.' Comp. also below, IV, 8, 12, the greater part of which Sûtra is word for word identical with these rules; VI, 3, 6; Gautama I, 46; Gobhila II, 10, 38.
6, 1, 2. Râmakandra: . . . with this Mantra which the teacher tells him, and which he (the student) pronounces, he sips water
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