'From limb by limb thou art produced; out of the heart thou art born. Thou indeed art the self (âtman) called son; so live a hundred autumns.' 3. (The contents of this Sûtra are similar to those of Pâraskara I, 16, 2.)
4. They take the Aupâsana (or regular Grihya) fire away, and they bring the Sûtikâgni (or the fire of the confinement).
5. That (fire) is only used for warming (dishes, etc.).
6. No ceremonies are performed with it except the fumigation (see the next Sûtra).
7. He fumigates (the child) with small grains mixed with mustard seeds. These he throws into the coals (of the Sûtikâgni) (eleven times, each time with one of the following Mantras):
(a) 'May Sanda and Marka, Upavira, Sândikera, Ulukhala, Kyavana vanish from here. Svâhâ! (b) 'Âlikhat, Vilikhat, Animisha, Kimvadanta, Upasruti. Svâhâ!
(c) Aryamna, Kumbhin, Satru, Pâtrapâni, Nipuni. Svâhâ!
(d) 'May Antrimukha, Sarshapâruna vanish from
here. Svâhâ!
(e) 'Kesini, Svalomini, Bagâbogâ, Upakâsinî—go away, vanish from here. Svâhâ!
(f) The servants of Kuvera, Visvavâsa (?), sent by the king of demons, all of one common origin,
3, 7. According to Pâraskara (I, 16, 23) this is done daily in the morning and in the evening, until the mother gets up from childbed.-Comp. the names of the demons, Pâraskara I, 16, 23.-For vikhuram (Mantra i) the Âpastambîya Mantrapâ/ha has vidhuram ('distress' or 'a distressed one').
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