I PRASNA, 7 PATALA, 23 SECTION, I. 195 to the thirty-three gods! Adoration to the Brahman's children and grandchildren, to the Angiras!
He who knows thee (the polar star) as the firm, immovable Brahman with its children and with its grandchildren, with such a man children and grandchildren will firmly dwell, servants and pupils, garments and woollen blankets, bronze and gold, wives and kings, food, safety, long life, glory, renown, splendour, strength, holy lustre, and the enjoyment of food. May all these things firmly and immovably dwell with me!'
1. (Then follow the Mantras), 'I know thee as the firm Brahman. May I become firm in this world and in this country.
'I know thee as the immovable Brahman. May I not be moved away from this world and from this country. May he who hates me, my rival, be moved away from this world and from this country.
'I know thee as the unshaken Brahman. May I not be shaken off from this world and from this country. May he who hates me, my rival, be shaken off from this world and from this country.
'I know thee as the unfalling Brahman. May I not fall from this world and from this country. May he who hates me, my rival, fall from this world and from this country.
'I know thee as the nave of the universe. May I become the nave of this country. I know thee as the centre of the universe. May I become the centre of this country. I know thee as the string that holds the universe. May I become the string that holds this country. I know thee as the pillar
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