2. When he has yawned, he murmurs, ' (May) will and insight (dwell) in me.'
3. If the skirt (of his garment) is blown upon him (by the wind), he murmurs, ‘A skirt art thou. Thou art not a thunderbolt. Adoration be to thee. Do no harm to me.'
4. He should tear off a thread (from that skirt) and should blow it away with his mouth.
5. If a bird has befouled him with its excrements, he murmurs, “The birds that timidly fly together with the destroyers, shall pour out on me happy, blissful splendour and vigour.'
Then let him wipe off that (dirt) with something else than his hand, and let him wash himself with water.
6. From the sky, from the wide air a drop of water has fallen down on me, bringing luck. With my senses, with my mind I have united myself, protected by the prayer that is brought forth by the righteous ones'--this (verse) he should murmur, if a drop of water unexpectedly falls down on him.
7. "If a fruit has fallen down from the top of a tree, or from the air, it is Vâyu (who has made it fall). Where it has touched our bodies or the garment, (there) may the waters drive away destruction'
—this (verse) he should murmur, if a fruit unexpectedly falls down on him.
8. ‘Adoration to him who dwells at the cross-roads,
2. Âsvalâyana-Grihya III, 6, 7. 3. Päraskara III, 15, 17. 5. I propose to read, nirrithaih saha. 6. Atharva-veda VI, 124, 1. Read sukritâm kritena.
7. Atharva-veda VI, 124, 2. The Atharva-veda shows the way to correct the corrupt third pada.
8 seq. Comp. Pâraskara III, 15, 7 seq.
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