hand down over (the boy's) right shoulder and touches the place of his heart with (the formulas), Thy heart shall dwell in my heart; my mind thou shalt follow with thy mind; in my word thou shalt rejoice with all thy heart; may Brihaspati join thee to me!
To me alone thou shalt adhere. In me thy thoughts shall dwell. Upon me thy veneration shall be bent. When I speak, thou shalt be silent.'
12. With (the words), 'Thou art the knot of all breath; do not loosen thyself'-(he touches) the place of his navel.
13. After (the teacher) has recited over him (the formula),
Bhuh! Bhuvah! Suvah! By offspring may I become rich in offspring! By valiant sons, rich in valiant sons! By splendour, rich in splendour! By wealth, rich in wealth! By wisdom, rich in wisdom! By pupils, rich in holy lustre!'
And (again the formulas),
Bhah! I place thee in the Rikas, in Agni, on the earth, in voice, in the Brahman, N. N. !
Bhuvah! I place thee in the Yagus, in Vâyu, in the air, in breath, in the Brahman, N. N.! place thee in the Sâmans, in Sûrya, in heaven, in the eye, in the Brahman, N. N. ! 'May I be beloved (?) and dear to thee, N. N.!
" Suvah!
13. The reading of the last Mantra is doubtful. Ish/atas should possibly be ishtas, but the genitive analasya, or, as some of the MSS. have, analasya (read, analasasya ?), points rather to a genitive like ikkhatas. If we write ikkhatas and analasasya, the translation would be: May I be dear to thee, who loves me, N. N. May I be dear to thee, who art zealous, N. N.!' Comp. Sânkhâyana II, 3, 3.
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