2. After (the boy) has taken off his old (garment), (the teacher) makes him put on a (new) garment that has not yet been washed, with (the verses),
'The goddesses who spun, who wove, who spread out, and who drew out the skirts on both sides, may those goddesses clothe thee with long life. Blessed with life put on this garment.
'Dress him; through (this) garment make him reach a hundred (years) of age; extend his life. Brihaspati has given this garment to king Soma that he may put it on.
"Mayst thou live to old age ; put on the garment ! Be a protector of the human tribes against imprecation. Live a hundred years, full of vigour ; clothe thyself in the increase of wealth.'
3. Having (thus) made (the boy) put on (the new garment, the teacher) recites over him (the verse),
Thou hast put on this garment for the sake of welfare; thou hast become a protector of thy friends against imprecation. Live a hundred long years; a noble man, blessed with life, mayst thou distribute wealth.
4. He then winds the girdle three times from left to right round (the boy, so that it covers) his navel. (He does so only) twice, according to some (teachers). (It is done) with (the verse),
2. Paraskara I, 4, 13. 12; Atharva-veda II, 13, 2. 3 (XIX, 24). Instead of paridatava u, we ought to read, as the Atharva-veda has, paridhâta va u.
3. Atharva-veda II, 13, 3; XIX, 24, 6.
4. Sankhayana II, 2, 1; Päraskara II, 2, 8. The text of the Mantra as given by Hiranyakesin is very corrupt, but the corruptions may be as old as the Hiranyakesi-sätra itself, or even older,
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