have his hair shaven, and after (the boy) has bathed and has been decked with ornaments
8. He should dress him in a (new) garment which has not yet been washed.
9. In a place inclined towards the east, (or) inclined towards the north, (or) inclined towards northeast, or in an even (place), he raises (the surface on which he intends to sacrifice), sprinkles it with water,
10. Kindles fire by attrition, or fetches common (worldly) fire, puts the fire down, and puts wood on the fire.
II. He strews eastward-pointed Darbha grass round the fire;
12. Or (the grass which is strewn) to the west and to the east (of the fire), may be northward-pointed.
13. He (arranges the Darbha blades so as to) lay the southern (blades) uppermost, the northern ones below, if their points are turned (partly) towards the east and (partly) towards the north.
14. Having strewn Darbha grass, to the south of the fire, in the place destined for the Brahman,
15. Having with the two (verses), 'I take (the fire) to myself,' and, 'The fire which (has entered)'— taken possession of the fire,
16. And having, to the north of the fire, spread out Darbha grass, he prepares the (following) objects,
9. Pâraskara I, 1, 2; 4,3; Âsvalâyana I, 3, 1, &c. II. Asvalâyana 1. 1.; Sânkhâyana I, 8, 1, &c.
13. Gobhila I, 7, 14.
14. Gobhila I, 6, 13; Pâraskara I, 1, 2, &c.
15. Taittirîya Samhitâ V, 9,1. Comp. also the parallel passages, Satapatha Brâhmana VII, 3, 2, 17; Kâtyâyana-Sraut. XVII,
3, 27.
16. Gobhila I, 7, I.
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