furrow-sacrifice, at the thrashing-floor-sacrifice, at the sowing, at the reaping of the crop, and at the putting of the crop into the barn.
31. And at mole hills he should sacrifice to the king of moles.
32. To Indrâni a Sthâlipâka (is prepared).
33. Of that he should make an offering with (the verse), The Ekâshtakâ, performing austerities' (MB. II, 3, 19).
34. The rest (should be performed) according to the Sthâlipâka ritual. The rest according to the Sthâlipâka ritual.
1. At (the sacrifices) for the obtainment of special wishes, which will be henceforth described,
2. And, according to some (teachers), also at (the sacrifices) described above (the following rites should be performed).
3. He should touch the earth, to the west of the fire, with his two hands turned downwards, with (the verse), 'We partake of the earth's' (MB. II, 4, 1).
32-34. Khâdira-Grihya III, 5, 40. I understand that this sacrifice stands in connection with the rural festivals which are treated of in the preceding Sutras. In the commentary, from the Mantra the conclusion is drawn that the ceremony in question belongs to the day of the Ekâshtakâ. But the Ekâsh/akâ is the Ashtaka of the dark fortnight of Mâgha (see S. B. E. XXIX, 102), and the description of the rites belonging to that day has already been given above, Sutras 17-21. It very frequently occurs in the Grihya ritual that Mantras are used at sacrifices standing in no connection with those for which they have originally been composed.
5, 1 seq. Comp. Khâdira-Grzhya I, 2, 6 seq.
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