10. When (the rice) has been husked, JI. He should once carefully remove the husks.
12. And then he should cut off a lump of flesh from that thigh and should cut it in small pieces on a new slaughtering-bench,
13. (With the intention) that the Pindas (or lumps of food offered to the Manes) should be thoroughly mixed up with flesh.
14. On the same fire he cooks one mess of ricegrains and one of meat, stirring up the one and the other separately, from right to left, with the two pot-ladles.
15. After he has cooked them, he should pour (Âgya) on them, should take them from the fire towards the south, and should not pour (Ågya) on them again.
16. In the southern part of the enclosure (Satras 3 seq.) he should have three pits dug, so that the eastern (pit is dug) first,
17. One span in length, four inches in breadth and in depth.
18. Having made the Lakshana to the east of the eastern pit, they carry the fire (to that place).
19. Having carried the fire round the pits on their west side, he should put it down on the Lakshana.
20. He strews (round the fire) one handful of Darbha grass which he has cut off in one portion.
12. As to the words from that thigh,' comp. above, chap. 1, 5.
14. Comp. chap. 1, 6. The sacrificial food is stirred up here from right to left, not from left to right, because it is sacred to the Manes. The mess of meat consists of the meat treated of in Sutra II.
15. Comp. above, chap. 1, 7. 18, 19. As to lakshana, comp. Satra 8 note.
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