way), he should swallow it without chewing it, with (the Mantra), 'From the good to the better' (ibid. 13). 17. In the same way three times.
18. Silently a fourth time.
19. After he has cut off a greater portion,
20. They may, if they like, chew that.
21. Having sipped water, they should touch their mouths, their heads, and their limbs from above downwards, with (the verse), 'This art thou' (ibid. 14).
22. In the same way (sacrifices of the first fruits are performed) of Syâmâka (panicum frumentaceum) and of barley.
23. (At the sacrifice) of Syâmâka (the Mantra with which the food is partaken of [comp. Sutra 16],
is), May Agni eat as the first' (ibid. 15).
24. (At the sacrifice) of barley, 'This barley, mixed with honey' (ibid. 16).
1. On the Âgrahâyant day (or the full-moon day of the month Mârgasirsha) Bali-offerings (are made). 2. They have been explained by the Srâvana sacrifice.
3. He does not murmur (here) the Mantra, 'Adoration to the Earth's.'
asamkhâdam, samkhâdayeran. Comp. Khâdira-Grihya III, 3, 13: asamkhâdya pragiret, and the quotations in Böhtlingk-Roth's Dictionary s. v. sam-khâd and â-svad.
9, I seq. The Âgrahâyanî ceremony by which the rites devoted to the Serpents are concluded. Khâdira-Grihya III, 3, 16 seq. 2. See above, chap. 7.
3. Comp. chap. 7, 17: To the west of that fire he touches the
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