(the verse), “O tree, may thy limbs be strong' (ibid. 16).
32. With (the last words of that verse), · May he who stands on thee, win what can be won'-he mounts it.
33. Having driven (some distance) in an easterly or northerly direction, he turns round from left to right and comes back (to his teacher).
34. When he has come back, the Argha ceremony should be performed (for him by his teacher), say the Kauhaliyas.
KÂNDIKÂ 5. 1. From that time he shall assume a dignified demeanour: this is in short the rule (for his behaviour).
2. Here the teachers enumerate the following (regulations).
3. Nâgâtalomnyopahåsam ikkhet.
4. Nor (should he wish for sport) with a girl who is the only child of her mother,
5. Nor with a woman during her courses,
6. Nor with one who descends from the same Rishis.
7. Let him not eat food which has been brought by another door (than the usual),
8. Or which has been cooked twice, 9. Or which has stood over night
10. Except such as is prepared of vegetables, flesh, barley, or flour.
34. Instead of its being performed at the time stated in Sätra 30.
5, i seq. Rules of conduct for the Snataka; comp. KhadiraGrihya III, 1, 33 seq.
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