hands (over the student's hands), the teacher with his right hand seizes (the student's) right hand together with the thumb, with (the formula), 'By the impulse of the god Savitri, with the arms of the two Asvins, with Pushan's hands I seize thy hand, N. N.!' (ibid. 18).
27. He then makes him turn round from left to right with (the formula), ' Move in the sun's course after him, N. N. !' (ibid. 19).
28. Grasping down with his right hand over his right shoulder he should touch his uncovered navel with (the formula), ' Thou art the knot of all breath' (ibid. 20).
29. Raising himself (from the position implied in Sutra 28, he should touch) the place near the navel with (the formula), 'Ahura' (ibid. 21).
30. Raising himself (still more, he should touch) the place of the heart with (the formula), 'Krisana' (ibid. 22).
31. Having touched from behind with his right hand (the student's) right shoulder with (the formula), 'I give thee in charge to Pragâpati, N. N. !' (ibid. 23)—
32. And with his left (hand) the left (shoulder) with (the formula), 'I give thee in charge to the god Savitri, N. N.!' (ibid. 24)—
33. He then directs him (to observe the duties of Brahmakarya, by the formula), 'A student art thou, N. N.!' (ibid. 25).
34. Put on fuel. Eat water. Do the service. Do not sleep in the day-time' (ibid. 26).
35. Having gone in a northerly direction from
33, 34. Comp. Sankhâyana-Grihya II, 4, 5 note.
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