Agni, gave one hundred thousand (cows as the sacrificial fee).
13. Now if he should not be able to get for the morning or for the evening oblation, or for the sacrifices of the full or of the new moon at his (sacred) domestic fire, any substance fit for sacrifice or a person who could sacrifice (instead of himself, if he is prevented): what ought he to do?
14. Until the evening oblation the (time for the) morning oblation is not elapsed, nor the (time for the) evening oblation until the morning oblation. Until the new moon the (time for the) sacrifice of the full moon is not elapsed, nor the (time for the) sacrifice of the new moon until the full moon.
15. During that interval he should try to obtain sacrificial food or to find a sacrificer.
16. Or (if he does not succeed in this) he should cook fruits or leaves of trees or herbs which are sacrificially pure, and should sacrifice them.
17. Or he should at least sacrifice water; thus has said Pakayagña, the son of Ida. For (even if he offers only water) the sacrifice has been performed.
18. And there is an expiation for one who has not sacrificed.
14 seq. Khâdira-Gribya II, 2, 5 seq.; Sânkhayana-Grihya I, 3, 6.
16 seqq. Khâdira-Grihya II, 2, 10 seqq. In this teacher Påkayagña, son of Idâ, whose opinion on the performance of certain Påkayagñas is here stated, we have of course to see a fictitious sage of the same kind with the well-known Rishi Pragatha, to whom the authorship of a number of Saktas in the Pragâtha book (Rigveda, Mandala VIII) is ascribed.
18, 19. By the repetition of iti these Satras seem to be characterised as continuing the statement of Pâkayagħa's opinion; comp. Dr. Knauer's Introduction, p. xvii. As to SQtra 18, comp. Sânkhâyana-Grihya I, 3, 9.
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