grass), if there are two, with the second (verse) (1. 1. 4).
10. Let him look at the water with (the formula), 'From which side I see the goddesses' (1. 1. 5).
II. Let him wash his left foot with (the formula), 'The left' (1. 1. 6), the right with,' The right' (1. 1. 7); both with the rest (8).
12. Let him accept the Arghya water with (the formula), 'Thou art the queen of food' (1.19).
13. The water which he is to sip, (he accepts) with (the formula), Glory art thou' (1. 1. 10).
14. The Madhuparka with (the formula), 'The glory's glory art thou' (1. 1. 11).
15. Let him drink three times with (the formulas), 'The glory's,' 'The might's,' 'The fortune's' (1. 1. 12).
16. Having drunk more of it a fourth time silently he should give the remainder to a Brahmana.
17. Over the cow, when it has been announced to him, he should recite (the formula), 'Let loose the cow.'
18. Instead of ' and of N. N.' (in that formula) he should put the name of the person who offers the Arghya reception.
19. Thus if it is no sacrifice (by which the Arghya ceremony has been occasioned).
20. 'Make it (ready),' if it is a sacrifice.
10. apah pasyed yato devîr iti. II. savyam pâdam avasinked savyam iti dakshinam dakshinam ity ubhau seshenâ. 12. nnasya râsh/rir asîty arghyam pratigrihnîyâd. 13. yaso-sîty âkamanîyam. 14. yasaso yaso siti madhuparkam. 15. trih pibed yasaso mahasa sriyâ iti. 16. tûshnîm katurtham bhûyo bhipâya brâhmanâyokkhishtam dadyâd. 7. gâm veditâm anumantrayeta muka gâm ity. 18. amushya kety arhayitur nâma brûyâd. 19. evam ayagie. 20. kuruteti yagia.
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