17. Having worshipped the sun with the fourth (verse), let him try to gain great wealth.
18. Having worshipped the sun with the fifth, let him return home.
19. In order to avert involuntary death let him murmur every day (the formula), ‘Bhuh!' (MB. II, 4, 14.)
20. On the sacrificial day (i. e. the first day of the fortnight) let him make oblations with the six verses, 'From the head' (MB. II, 5, 1 seqq.), with the Vamadevya verses, with the Mahâvyâhritis, and with the verse sacred to Pragâpati (1. 1. 8).
21. Thus he will drive away misfortune.
22. On an unsafe road let him murmur the verse, Go away' (Rig-veda X, 164, 1).
23. One who is desirous of glory should worship the sun in the forenoon, at noon, and in the afternoon, with (the formula), 'I am glory' (MB. II, 5, 9).
24. Let him change (the word), 'Of the forenoon,' according (to the different times of the day).
25. Worshipping (the sun) at twilight with the formula, 'O sun! the ship' (MB. II, 5, 14), procures happiness.
26. At the morning twilight (he says), When thou risest' (1. 1. 15).
17. katurthyâdityam upasthấya gurum artham abhyuttishthet. 18. paskamyadityam upasthầya grihân eyâd. 19. anakamamaram nityam gaped bhûr iti. 20. yaganîye guhuyên mürdhno-dhi ma iti shadbhir vamadevyargbhir mahâvyâhritibhih prâgâpatyayâ kâ. 21. - lakshmînirnodo. 22. sksheme pathy apehiti gaped. 23. yaso sham ity âdityam upatishthed yasaskâmah pûrvâhnamadhyandinâparâhneshu. 24. prâtarahnasyeti yathârtham ühed. 25. aditya nâvam iti sandhyopasthanam svastyayanam. 26. udyantam tveti purâm.
19-27=IV, 6, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 3, 10-12 (22 deest).
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