4. And some flesh of that thigh (see above, chap. 4, 16).
5. He should take it from the fire in a southern direction, and should omit the second sprinkling (of Âgya) on it.
6. To the west of the fire he should dig, in the southern part (of the place mentioned in Sûtra 2) three pits, four inches in depth and breadth.
7. He should carry the fire to the east of them. 8. He should strew (Darbha-grass round the fire), 9. And (into) the pits.
10. Having spread out to the west of the fire a layer of southward-pointed grass so that it is inclined towards the south, he should put (a mat) on it.
11. On that (grass) he should place the sacrificial implements, one by one.
12. Cutting off (the prescribed portions of the sacrificial food, and putting those portions) into the brazen vessel he should sacrifice, picking out (portions of the Havis) with the pot-ladle, with (the formulas), 'Svâhâ to Soma Pitrimat! Svâhâ to
Agni Kavyavâhana!' (MB. II, 3, 1, 2.)
13. With his left hand he should lay down a firebrand on the southern side of the pits (Sutra 6), with
4. amushmâk ka sakthno mâmsam iti. 5. dakshinodvâsya na pratyabhighârayet. 6. paskâd agner dakshinâs tisrah karshah khanyâk katurangulam adhas tiryak ka. 7. tâsâm purastâd agnim pranayet. 8. strinuyât. 9. karshûs ka. 10. paskâd agne svastaram dakshinâgrais trinair dakshinâpravanam âstîrya brisîm upari nidadhyât. 11. tasminn ekaikam âharet. 12. kamse samavadâya mekshanenopaghâtam guhuyât svâhâ Somâya pitrimate svâhâgnaye kavyavâhanâyeti. 13. savyenolmukam dakshinatah karshûr nidadhyâd apahatâ iti.
13-34 IV, 3 (23 deest).
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