that (when rain has fallen, studying is forbidden) as long as the water stands in the ditches.
KHANDA 3. 1. On the full-moon day of Åsvayuga milk-rice sacred to Rudra (is prepared).
2. He should offer it with (the Mantra), ‘Not to our children.'
3. Let him pour Agya into milk; this is called a Prishậtaka.
4. Therewith he should besprinkle the cows when they have come home, with the Mantra), May Mitra and Varuna' (Sâma-veda I, 220).
5. That night he should let the calves join their mothers.
6. At the sacrifice of the first-fruits, milk-rice sacred to Indra and Agni (is prepared).
7. Let him sacrifice Agya with the four (verses), *To the bearer of the hundred weapons' (MB. II, 1, 9 seqq.)
8. And afterwards with (the verse), ‘May Agni eat' (1. 1. 15).
9. All of them who have received the initiation, should eat the remainder of that (sacrificial food).
10. Having 'spread under' water, he should cut off two portions of the new fruits.
3, 1. âsvayugim Rudraya pâyaso. 2. mâ nas toka iti guhuyât. 3. payasy avanayed agyam tat prishậtakam. 4. tenâbhyâgata ga ukshed a no Mitrâvaruneti. 5. vatsams ka mâtribhis saha vâsayet tâm râtrîm. 6. navayagñe pâyasa aindrâgnah. 7. satayudhayeti katasribhir ágyam guhuyâd. 8. uparishtâd Agnih prâsnätv iti ka. 9. tasya sesham prâsnîyur yâvanta upetâ. 10. upastîryapo dvir navasyâvadyet.
3, 1-15=Gobhila III, 8 (3 deest).
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