20. With (the words), ' Recite, sir!' (the student) should respectfully sit down near (the teacher).
21. He then recites the Sâvitri (1. 1. 29) to him, Pâda by Pâda, hemistich by hemistich, (and finally) the whole-thus he should teach him the Sâvitri, 22. And the Mahâvyâhritis, one by one, 23. And the word Om.
24. He hands over to him the staff, which should be made of (the wood of) a tree
25. With (the formula which the student has to recite), 'O glorious one, make me glorious' (1. 1. 31).
26. Let him put a piece of wood (on the fire) with (the verse), 'To Agni a piece of wood' (1.1. 32).
27. Let him go to beg food;
28. First of his mother,
29. Then of other women friends.
30. He should announce the alms (received) to his teacher.
31. He should stand silently till sunset.
32. Through a period of three nights he should avoid eating saline food and drinking milk.
1. At the Godâna (or cutting of the beard) the
20. adhîhi bho ity upasîdet. 21. tasmâ anvâha sâvitrîm pakkho rdharkasas sarvâm iti sâvitrîm vâkayed. 22. mahâvyâhritis kaikaikasa. 23. omkaran ka. 24. prayakhaty asmai vârksham dandam. 25. susravas susravasam meti. 26. samidham âdadhyâd Agnaye samidham iti. 27. bhaiksham karen. 28. mâtaram agre. 29. thânyâs suhrida. 30. âkâryâya bhaikshan nivedayet. 31. tish/hed âstamayât tûshnîm. 32. trirâtram kshâralavane dugdham iti vargayet.
5, 1. atha godâne kaulavat kalpah.
5, 1-21 Gobhila III, 1.
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