has had the boy bathed, should sit down, and the mother, having dressed him in a clean (garment), should hand him, with his face turned to the north, to the performer (of the ceremony).
8. She then should walk around behind (his) back and should sit down towards the north.
9. He should sacrifice and should touch the senseorgans at (the boy's) head with the (Mantra), 'Who art thou ?'' (MB. I, 5, 14, 15.)
10. `N. N.!'-(at the place thus indicated in the Mantra) he should give him a name.
11. The same (he should pronounce) at the end of the Mantra.
12. He should tell it to the mother first.
13. (The father) when returning from a journey, should grasp (with his two hands) his son round the head, with (the verses), 'From limb by limb' (MB. I, 5, 16–18).
14. With (the formula), ‘With the cattle's' (1. 1. 19), he should kiss him.
15. Silently (he should do the same) with a daughter.
16. In the third year the tonsure (of the child's head is performed).
17. There the barber, warm water, a mirror, or a
8. anuprishtham gatvottarata upavised. 9. dhutvå kossíti tasya mukhyan prânân abhimrised. 10. asâv iti nama kuryât. 11. tad eva mantrânte. 12. mâtre prathamam akhyâya. 13. viproshyângâd angâd iti putrasya mardhânam parigrihnîyât. 14. pasůnâm tvety abhigighret. 15. tûshnim striyas. 16. tritîye varshe kaulan. 17. tatra nâpita ushnodakam âdarsah kshuro vaudumbarah pingülya iti dakshinata.
13-15=II, 8, 21-25. 16–33=II, 9.
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