20. One who takes five cut-off portions (see Sätra 17), also from the western side.
21. After he has sprinkled (Âgya) on (the cut-off portions), he anoints the places from which he has cut them off, (with Âgya).
22. (This anointing) is omitted at the Svishtakrit oblation.
23. He should sacrifice with the formula), 'To N. N. Svâhâ !'-according to the god to whom the oblation belongs.
24. At the Svishtakrit oblation he spreads under' once-twice if he is a Bhrigu-, (cuts off) once (a portion) of the Havis, sprinkles (Ågya) on it twice, and sacrifices it in a north-eastern direction with the formula), ‘To Agni Svishtakrit Svâhâ !'
25. Having put a piece of wood (on the fire),
26. He should dip Darbha-blades (of the sacrificial grass strewn round the fire) three times, the points, the middle, and the roots, into the Agya or into the Havis with (the words), 'May the birds come, licking what has been anointed.' Then, after having sprinkled (those Darbha-blades with water), he should throw them into the fire, with (the verse), 'Thou who art the lord of cattle, Rudra, who walkest with the lines (of cattle), the manly one: do no harm to our cattle; let this be offered to thee. Svâhâ !'
20. paskâk ka pañkâvatty. 21. abhighârya pratyanakty avadanasthânâni. 22. na svish/akrito. 23. - mushmai svâheti guhuyâd yaddevatyam syât. 24. svishtakritah sakrid upastîrya dvir Bhrigünâm sakrid dhavisho (sic) dvir abhighâryâgnaye svishtakrite svaheti prâgudîkyâm guhuyât. 25. samidham âdhâya. 26. darbhân âgye havishi vâ trir avadhâyâgramadhyamûlâny aktam rihânâ viyantu vaya ity abhyukshyâgnâv anuprahared yah pasûnám adhipatî Rudras tantikaro vrisha pasûn asmakam mâ himsîr etad astu hutan tava svaheti.
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