4. As, however, in the (collection of) Mantras marriage is treated of (first), it is explained (here) before (the bath).
5. A Brahmana with a water-pot, wrapped in his robe, keeping silence, should step in front of the fire and should station himself (to the south of it) with his face to the north.
6. After (the bride) has taken a bath, (the bridegroom) should dress her in a garment that has not yet been washed, with (the verse), 'They who spun' (MB. I, 1, 5). While she is led up (to him), the bridegroom should murmur (the verse), 'Soma gave her' (1. 1. 7).
7. To the south of the bridegroom he (who has led her to him) should make her sit down.
8. While she touches him, (the bridegroom) should make oblations of Agya with the Sruva, picking out (portions of it [comp. Pâraskara II, 14, 13]), with the Mahâvyâhritis.
9. A fourth (oblation) with (the three Mahâvyâhritis) together.
IO. The same at the ceremonies of the tonsure (of the child's head), of the initiation (of the Brahmakârin), and of the cutting of the beard.
4. mantrâbhivâdât tu pânigrahanasya (correct, pânigrahanam?) pûrvam vyâkhyâtam. 5. brâhmanas sahodakumbhah prâvrito vâgyatogrenâgnim gatvodanmukhas tishthet. 6. snâtâm ahatenâkhâdya yâ akrintann ity ânîyamânâyâm pânigrâho gapet Somos dadad 7. pânigrâhasya dakshinata upavesayed. 8. anvârabdhâyâm sruvenopaghâtam mahâvyâhritibhir âgyam guhuyât. 9. samastâbhis katurthîm. 10. evam kaulopanayanagodâneshv.
5=11, 1, 13. 26 seqq.
6=II, 1, 17-19. 7 seqq. II, 1, 23 seqq.; I, 9,
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