23. If boiled rice is given to him, he accepts it with (the formula), 'May Heaven, &c.,' and he partakes thereof twice with (the formulas), 'May Brahman eat thee!'-' May Brahman partake of thee!'
24. If gruel is given to him, (as above).... three times with (the formulas), 'May Brahman eat thee!' -May Brahman partake of thee!'-'May Brahman drink thee!'
1. Now each time after a lesson (of the Veda) is finished, in order to prevent his forgetting (the texts he has studied, the following prayer should be recited):
'May my mouth be skilful; my tongue be honeysweet speech. With my ears I have heard much; do not take away that which I have heard, which dwells in me.
The Brahman's word art thou; the Brahman's stand art thou; the Brahman's store-house art thou. Fulfilment art thou; peace art thou; unforgetfulness art thou; enter into my store-house of the Brahman. With the voice I cover thee! With the voice I cover thee! May I be able to form the vowels, to produce, to hold fast and to utter the guttural, pectoral, dental, and labial sounds. May my limbs grow strong, my voice, breath, eye, ear, honour, and power. What I have heard and studied, may that be fixed in my mind; may that be fixed in my mind.'
End of the Third Kânda.
End of Pâraskara's Grihya-sûtra.
16, 1. As to anirâkarana, comp. anirâkarishnu above, II, 4, 3. Possibly we should read, gihvâ me madhumad vakah.
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