5. The Purodása (or sacrificial cake), which belongs to the animal sacrifice, is cooked on the ground (and not in the Kapalas).
6. (The guilty person) should put on the skin (of the ass),
7. With the tail turned upwards, according to some (teachers).
8. He should through one year go about for alms, proclaiming his deed.
9. After that time he sacrifices two Âgya oblations with the formulas), 'O Lust, I have broken my vow of chastity. I have broken my vow of chastity, O Lust. To Lust svâhâ !'-'O Lust, I have done evil. I have done evil, O Lust. To Lust svâhâ !'
10. He then approaches (the fire) with (the verse), May the Maruts besprinkle me, may Indra, may Brihaspati, may this Agni besprinkle me with offspring and with wealth.' 11. This is the penance.
KANDIKÂ 13. 1. Now the entering of a court of justice.
2. He approaches the court with the words), Court! Thou that belongest to the Angiras ! Trouble art thou by name ; vehemence art thou by name. Thus be adoration to thee!'
3. He then enters (the court) with (the words), ‘(May) the court and the assembly, the two unani
5. This Satra is identical with Kâtyâyana I, 1, 15. 9. Baudhâyana II, 1, 34. 10. Baudhayana II, 1, 35.
13, 2. The regular Sandhi would be sabha (for sabhe) ângirasi, instead of which the text has sabhangirasi.
3. In Sanskrit the words sabhâ (court) and samiti (assembly) are of feminine gender. I have translated upa mâ sa tishthet in the sense indicated by Panini I, 4, 87.
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