may the heavens give us bliss and safety. May the points (of the horizon), the intermediate points, the upper points give us bliss, and may day and night create long life for us. Svâhâ!
'May the waters, the rays protect us from all sides; may the creator, may the ocean turn away evil. The present and the future, may all be safe for me. Protected by Brahman, may I be well guarded. Svâhâ!
May all Âdityas and the divine Vasus, may the Rudras and Maruts be our protectors. May Pragâpati, the highest lord, bestow on us vigour, offspring, immortality, long life. Svâhâ!'
7. And with (the formula), To the Ashtakâ Svâhâ!'
8. The middle Ashtakâ (is celebrated) with (the sacrifice of) a cow.
9. He sacrifices the omentum of that (cow) with (the verse), 'Carry the omentum, O Gâtavedas, to the fathers' (Vâg. Samh. XXXV, 20).
10. On the day following each (Ashtakâ), the Anvashtakâ day, (he brings a sacrifice) with the left ribs and the left thigh, in an enclosure, according to (the ritual of) the Pindapitriyagña.
11. Also to the female (ancestors he makes Pinda offerings) and pours (for them) strong liquor and water oblations into pits, and (offers) collyrium, salves, and garlands.
12. (He may also make oblations), if he likes, to the teacher and to the pupils who have no children.
akritad is corrupt. I have translated abhayam; comp. Âsvalâyana II, 4, 14. In the third verse I have left out mayi, as Professor Stenzler has done in his translation.
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