10. Bending his right knee,
11. The left when worshipping the Manes. 12. The strewing around (of the grass) is not necessary in the Âgya offerings,
13. Nor in the standing offerings, according to Mândûkeya.
14. He now measures off with the span (of his hand) two Kusa blades, which are not unequal, with unbroken points, bearing no young shoots in them, and severs them (from their roots) with a Kusa blade, saying, Purifiers are ye.'
15. There are two or three (of these Kusa strainers). 16. He holds them with their points to the east and sprinkles them (with water, saying), ' Belonging to Vishnu.'
17. With the two Kusa blades he sprinkles (water) around the fire three times, keeping his right side turned towards it,
18. Takes up the Agya pot with the words, 'Milk
of the cows art thou;'
19. Puts it on the fire with the words, ' For sap thee;'
20. Takes it from the fire towards the north with the words, 'For juice thee;'
21. And holding the two (Kusa) strainers with their points to the north, seizing them on both sides
13. 'In the standing offerings, such as the Vaisvadeva sacrifice in the morning and in the evening.' Nârâyana.
14-16. Vâgasaneyi Samhitâ I, 12 a.
18. Vâg. Samh. IV, 3 a.
19. Vâg. Samh. I, 22 d.
20. Vâg. Samh. I, 30 c.
21. Vâg. Samh. I, 12 b.-The division of Sûtras 21 and 22 should be after iti, not, as the Indian tradition has it, after rasmibhih.
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