13. (And he draws water out of three other vessels) with (the three verses), "Ye waters are' (Vâg. Samh. XI, 50-52), verse by verse.
14. With (water drawn out of) the three other (vessels he besprinkles himself) silently.
15. Having loosened his girdle with (the verse), 'The highest band' (Vâg. Samh. XII, 12), having put it down, having put on another garment, he worships the sun
16. With (the formulas), Rising, bearing a shining spear, Indra stands with the Maruts ; he stands with the gods who walk in the morning. Thou art a tenfold winner; make me a tenfold winner. Make me attain to renown.
'Rising, bearing a shining spear, Indra stands with the Maruts; he stands with the gods who walk in day-time. Thou art a hundredfold winner ; make me a hundredfold winner. Make me attain to renown.
'Rising, bearing a shining spear, Indra stands with the Maruts; he stands with the gods who walk in the evening. Thou art a thousandfold winner ; make me a thousandfold winner. Make me attain to renown.'
17. Having eaten curds or sesamum seeds, and having had his matted hair, the hair of his body, and his nails cut, he should cleanse his teeth with an Udumbara branch with (the verse), ‘Array yourselves for the enjoyment of food. Here has come king Soma : he will purify my mouth with glory and fortune.'
16. In the Mantra the Pâraskara MSS. give bhrágabhrishnh and bhrágabhrishtin, and the Gobhila MSS. (Grihya III, 4) bhrâgabhrish/ibhih. Possibly the instrumental case is right. Böhtlingk and Roth propose to read bhrâgadrishlih.
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