time of the increasing moon, on an auspicious day he shall seize the hand of a girl,
6. Who should possess (the auspicious) characteristics (required),
7. Whose limbs should be proportionate,
8. Whose hair should be smooth,
9. Who should also have at her neck two curls turned to the right.
10. (Of such a girl) he shall know that she will give birth to six men.
1. If he will acquire a wife, let him recite over the wooers (whom he sends to the girl's father) when they go away, the verse, 'Thornless' (Rigveda X, 85, 23).
2. When they arrive, they take flowers, fruits, barley, and a pot of water.
3. They say thrice, 'Here I am, sir!
4. When these words have been uttered, they ask the girl in marriage, reciting the clan names, the dwellers turning their faces to the east, the visitors to the west.
5. When the matter pleases both sides, let them touch a full vessel into which have been put flowers,
9. On âvartau comp. the note in the German edition, p. 121. 6, 1. The wooers, i. e. his own father, &c.' Nârâyana.
3. When the father of the suitor and the others, together with their Âkârya, have arrived at the house of him who is to give away the girl, they station themselves in the hall, and the father of the suitor says thrice, "Here am I, N. N. (amukasarman), Sir!"—in these words he announces himself three times. For at the
house of the person who gives the girl away, there arrive also, in order to see the festivities, many other people. In order to distinguish himself from these, he pronounces his name.' Nârâyana.
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