(production of intelligence) and the âyushya (rite for procuring long life).
4. (The medhaganana is performed in the following way) With his fourth finger and with (an instrument of) gold he gives (to the child) honey and ghee, or ghee (alone), to eat with (the formulas), 'Bhûh I put into thee; bhuvah I put into thee; svah I put into thee. Bhûr bhuvah svah everything I put into thee.'
5. He then performs the â yushya.
6. Near his navel or his right ear he murmurs: 'Agni is long-lived; through the trees he is longlived. By that long life I make thee long-lived.
'Soma is long-lived; through the herbs he is, &c. 'The Brahman is long-lived; through the Brâhmanas it is, &c.
'The gods are long-lived; through ambrosia (amrita) they are, &c.
'The Rishis are long-lived; through their observances they are, &c.
'The Fathers are long-lived; through the Svadhâ oblations (or oblations made to the Manes) they are, &c.
'Sacrifice is long-lived; through sacrificial fee it is, &c.
The ocean is long-lived; through the rivers it is long-lived. By that long life I make thee long-lived;'
7. And three times the verse, 'The threefold age' (Vâg. Samh. III, 62).
8. If he desires, May he live his full term of
4. Comp. Satapatha Brahmana XIV, 9, 4, 23 seqq. (Brihad Aranyaka VI, 4, 24 seqq.; S. B. E., XV, 222 seq.). The text has anâmikayâ suvarmântarhitayâ, which literally is: with the nameless (or fourth) finger, between which (and the food) gold has been put.
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