time three Kusa bunches, with the points towards (the boy) himself, with the words), ‘Herb! protect him!
9. (With the words,) ' Axe! do no harm to him!' he presses a copper razor (on the Kusa blades),
10. And cuts (the hair) with (the verse), “The razor with which in the beginning Savitri the knowing one has shaved (the beard) of king Soma and of Varuna, with that, ye Brâhmanas, shave now his (hair), that he may be blessed with long life, with old age.
11. Each time that he has cut, he gives (the hairs) with their points to the east, together with Sami leaves, to the mother. She puts them down on the bull-dung.
12. With what Dhâtri has shaven (the head) of Brihaspati, Agni and Indra, for the sake of long life, with that I shave thy (head) for the sake of long life, of glory, and of welfare'—thus a second time.
13. By what he may at night further see the sun, and see it long, with that I shave thy (head) for the sake of long life, of glory, and of welfare'—thus a third time.
14. With all (the indicated) Mantras a fourth time.
15. Thus three times on the left side of the head).
16. Let him wipe off the edge of the razor with (the words), 'If thou shavest, as a shaver, his hair with the razor, the wounding, the well-shaped, purify his head, but do not take away his life.'
13. Instead of yena bhûyas ka râtryâm, Pâraskara (II, 1, 16) has, yena bhūris karâ diva m.
16. Comp. Pâraskara II, 1, 19; Atharva-veda VIII, 2, 17.
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