yátha and yatha, as, like: yáthâ purit, as of yore, I, 39, 7;
yáthâ, like, V, 54, 8; 13; 61, 10; VII, 57, 3; yatha, V, 53, 7; 54, 4; 87,7.-yáthâ matím, after their own mind, 1,6,6%; te yátha mánab, what thy mind was, I, 170, 3; yáthâ kit mányase, hrida, V, 56, 2; yátha vida, you know, V, 55, 2; yáthå gushanta, VII, 56, 20; yátha vásanti, VIII, 20, 17.-yátha, so that, V, 59, 7; 61, 4; 1, 43, 3 (tris); 3 (tris);
114, 1; 11, 33, 15. yatha-vasám, wherever he listeth:
X, 168, 4. yád, rel. pron....: yásya, X,121, a'; 4; (p.4.)-yát ha
vab bálam, with such strength as yours, I, 37, 12; yát ha vab puri, as it was with you for- merly, VIII, 7, 21; yát ádbhu- tam, what strange thing, I, 170, 1.-yéna, that, I, 166, 14; yás
min, where, I, 168, 6. yád, adv., when; that ...: yát-tátab, X, 131, 7; yát sîm, I,
37,6; 9; yát ha, 1, 37, 13; VIII, 7, 11; adha yát, now that, I, 167, 3; yát angá, VIII, 7, 3; sát-xát va, II, 34, lo; V, 6o, 6; yát, if, 1, 38, 4; yát, that, I, 165, 14; 166, 13; 14; 167, 7;
VII, 56, 4; 10. yada, when :
V, 87, 4. yadi:
when, I, 168, 8; if, VII, 56, 15. Yadu:
yádum, VIII, 7, 18. yam, to hold, to yield, to give: sarma yakkbata, VII, 59, 1; yakkba,
1, 114, 10; yamsat asmábhyam, 1, 114, 3; yakkbamânâb yudhaib, wielding weapons, VII, 56, 13.-yakkbata adhi, grant, 1, 85, 17.-ni yemiré, they bent down before (Dat.), VIII, 7,5; 34.prá-yatásu, thrust forth, 1, 166, 4.-ví yanta, extend, 1, 85, 12; ví yantana, V, 55, 9; ví yamub, they stretched (their legs) apart, V, 61, 3o; ví yeinatub, they went
straight to (Dat.), V, 61, 9. yáma, rein:
yámab, V, 61, 2.
yama, twin:
yamáb-iva, V, 57, 4. Yama:
yamásya patha, 1, 38, 58. yamayishnu: y amayishnavab, SV. for namayi
shnavab, (VIII, 30, 1'.) Yamuna :
yamunayam, V, 52, 17; (V, 53, 9'.) yayl: yayim, way, I, 87, a'.-yayib, the
wanderer, V, 87, 5'-yayiyab
(sindhavab), running, X, 78, 7. yáva, barley :
(1, 38, 5.) yávasa, pasture grass, fodder:
yávase, I, 38, 5'; V, 53, 16. yavi, or, yavya, young maid:
Instr., yavya, I, 167, 4. yahvi, river:
yahvishu, VII, 56, 23. ya, to go...: yatave, I, 37, 10; VIII, 7, 8; 30,
6; yanti, they pass along, I, 37,13'; yâmi, 1 implore, V, 54, 15; subham yâtâm, going in triumph, V, 55, 1 to 9; (VIII, 20,7'); yâthana súbbam, V, 57, 2; (1, 87, 4); yát áyâsub, when they move about, VII, 57, 1.ánu yâtá, go after, I, 38, 11.áva yâsat, will he bring down, VI, 66, 5.-& yâ, to come...:& yatam upa dravát, come quickly hither, 1, 2, 5; & yâsîshra, may it bring, ask for, I, 165, 15"; 166, 15; 167, 11; 168, 10; P. XX; nab yântu akkba, I, 167, 2; Ã yâtam úpa nib-kritám, i, 2, 6.-ni ayatana, you went down, V, 54, 5'.-yathana pári, you go round, V, 55, 7.-prá yâta, come, I, 37, 14; prá yatana, I, 165, 13; pra yayub, V, 53, 12; prá áyåsishta, V, 58, 6.-ví yâthana, you pass through, 1, 39, 3'; ví yata, destroy, 1, 86, 10'; ví yâti, it passes between,
VI, 66, 7. yama, way, march: yamab, 1, 166, 4; 172, 11; yamam,
(I, 87, 2); VIII, 7, 21; 14; y&mam yanti, VIII, 7, 4; yamam yéshtbab, VII, 56, 6; yâmena, V, 53, 12; yamaya, I, 37, 7; 39, 6; Vill, 7,5; yame, V, 54,
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