(clouds), I, 37, 5'; gab, the (raingiving) cows, II, 34, 1.-gaub, the cow (Prisni), VIII, 94, 1'; gam, V, 52, 16.-gó, cow, milk, leather, thong, (232); góbhib, from the bowstrings, VIII, 20, 81; milk, I, 134, 2. gó-arnas, a sea of milk:
gó-arnasâ, II, 34, 121. go-ghná, cow-slaying:
go-ghnám, I, 114, 10. gó-gâta, name of the Maruts: (I, 85, 3'.)
gótamâya, I, 85, 11; gótamâsab, I, 88, 4; gótamab, 1, 88, 5; (125.) godhâ, not godhâb: p. lxvii.
gopa, guardian:
gopab, VII, 56, 18; (I, 86, 11.) gopây, to guard:
gopâyátam, VI, 74, 4. go-pîthá, a draught of milk: go-pîthaya, 1, 19, 11. go-pîthá, keeping:
go-pithé devanâm, X, 77, 7. gó-bandhu, the kindred of the cow
g6-bandhavab, VIII, 20, 8. gó-mat, rich in cattle: gó-mati (vragé), I, 86, 3; gó-matîb ánu, V, 61, 191; g6-mat radhab, wealth of cows, V, 57, 7.-86matab, (Soma) mixed with milk, VIII, 94, 6.
gó-mâtri, having the cow (Prisi) as their mother:
gó-mâtarab, 1, 85, 31; (I, 168, 91.) go-hán, killing cattle:
go-ha, VII, 56, 17. gna, woman:
gnâb, (307; 308.) grama, village:
grame asmín, I, 114, I. gråma-gít, conqueror of clans: grâma-gitab, V, 54, 8. gravan, grinding-stone: gravânab ná, X, 78, 62. gha, particle :
I, 37, 11; gha ít, II, 34, 14; utá gha,V,61,8; kit gha, VIII, 20, 21. gharma, formus, pit:
(217 seq.); (V, 54, 12.) gharma-sad, dwelling on the hearth
(the Pitris):
gharma-stubh, who praises the warm milk (of the sacrifice): gharma-stubhe, V, 54, 12. gharmya and gharmye-sthâ: see harmya, (217.) ghrini:
ghrini-iva, i. e. ghriner iva? as if from sunshine, II, 33, 61. ghritá, fatness: ghritám, fatness (rain), I, 85, 3; 87, 2; 168, 8.-ghritám ná, like butter, VIII, 7, 19; ghritám âsíram, butter and milk for the Soma, I, 134, 6. ghrita-prush, scattering ghrita: ghrita-prushab, X, 78, 4'. ghritá-vat, fat:
ghritá-vat (páyab), I, 64, 63. ghritati:
ghritäkî, resplendent, I, 167, 3.ghritakim (dhíyam), accompanied by fat offerings, I, 2, 73. ghrishu, brisk:
ghríshum, I, 64, 12. ghrishti, boar:
(I, 37, 4'.) ghrishvi, wild:
ghríshvaye, I, 37, 4'; ghríshvayab, 1, 85, 1; 166, 2. ghrishvi-râdhas, whose gifts are cheer
ghrishvi-râdhasab, VII, 59, 5. ghorá, terrible : ghorab, I, 167, 4.
ghorá-varpas, of terrible designs: ghorá-varpasab, 1, 19, 5; 64, 23. ghosha, shout, roar:
ghóshab, X, 168, 1; ghósham, V, 54, 12; ghoshâb, X, 168, 4.
ka, and...:
also, I, 165, 1a; see kaná (264; 266 seq.); ka-ka, I, 168, 3; ko, VI, 66, 3.
kakâná, delighting in (Loc.): kakânab, X, 77, 8.
kakrá, wheel:
kakra, I, 166, 93.— kakra, the weapon, (1, 166, 92.)
kakri, wheel:
kakriyâ, the wheels, II, 34, 9; on their chariot, II, 34, 14.
prá kakshaya, reveal, I, 134, 3.sam-kakshya, wherever I have looked for you, I, 165, 12.
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